08 December 2007

Is There Confidence?

Recently, we at the Inkwell 4 were asked to rate the confidence factor of some of the candidates. below is our analysis.


Clinton--Yes, but it is a frightening confidence.
Obama--No, has likability, but the confidence is not there.
Edwards--Yes, in a weird sort of way.
Kucinich--Yes, his stands are consistent and passionate.
Dodd--No, he looks like anice guy, but they finish last.
Richardson--No, not from lack of experience, but more message to the people.


Romney--No, he has too many different positions, they change on which election he is in.
Giuliani--Yes, not from issues or stands but because of 9/11
McCain--Yes, he has been a maverick for years, and the positions are still the same.
Huckabee--No, he will be a flash in the pan. Only with people that make religion the issue.
Paul--Yes, he is consistant on his stands and is a passionate orator.
Thompson--No, he appears to be lazy and disorganized.

These are just a few of the candidates and we at Inkwell spent a week talk and debatin the subject. These are just our takes on the confidence factor of the different candidates.

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