01 December 2007

Professor's Congressional ScoreCard

This is a monthly feature of the Inkwell 4, we grade the month's congressional progress for the people. The scoring system is a step forward, backward or no step.

For the month of November. it was a short session with the holiday recess.

1--non-binding resolution for not supporting an attack on Iran--backward

2--farm bill--forward

3--house overrides pres. veto of water bill--forward

4--confirm Mukasey--backward

5--deadlock on war funding--backward

6--veto on domestic bill--backward

7--impeachment bill--forward

8--per forma session to prevent end run by pres.--forward

9--fuel standards for cars--no step--because they are giving companies 5 yrs or more to do so.

For the first time since we started rating these guys--there is no movement--the Congress basically stood still for the month. Unfortunately, the previous months were all backwards steps, so these asses accomplished nothing in November.


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