23 December 2007


The Inkwell 4 will be on hiatus until after the first of the year. We wish all readers the joy and friendship of the season. Thank you for your support. See ya next year!

16 December 2007

Green Party USA

This is the issues that are important to the GP, I find that I am in agreement twith all the issues. I am have found party that I can truly support.

Every human being deserves a say in the decisions that affect their lives and not be subject to the will of another. Therefore, we will work to increase public participation at every level of government and to ensure that our public representatives are fully accountable to the people who elect them. We will also work to create new types of political organizations which expand the process of participatory democracy by directly including citizens in the decision-making process.

All persons should have the rights and opportunity to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment. We must consciously confront in ourselves, our organizations, and society at large, barriers such as racism and class oppression, sexism and homophobia, ageism and disability, which act to deny fair treatment and equal justice under the law.

Human societies must operate with the understanding that we are part of nature, not separate from nature. We must maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet. We support a sustainable society which utilizes resources in such a way that future generations will benefit and not suffer from the practices of our generation. To this end we must practice agriculture which replenishes the soil; move to an energy efficient economy; and live in ways that respect the integrity of natural systems.

It is essential that we develop effective alternatives to society’s current patterns of violence. We will work to demilitarize, and eliminate weapons of mass destruction, without being naive about the intentions of other governments. We recognize the need for self-defense and the defense of others who are in helpless situations. We promote non-violent methods to oppose practices and policies with which we disagree, and will guide our actions toward lasting personal, community and global peace.

Centralization of wealth and power contributes to social and economic injustice, environmental destruction, and militarization. Therefore, we support a restructuring of social, political and economic institutions away from a system which is controlled by and mostly benefits the powerful few, to a democratic, less bureaucratic system. Decision-making should, as much as possible, remain at the individual and local level, while assuring that civil rights are protected for all citizens.

We recognize it is essential to create a vibrant and sustainable economic system, one that can create jobs and provide a decent standard of living for all people while maintaining a healthy ecological balance. A successful economic system will offer meaningful work with dignity, while paying a “living wage” which reflects the real value of a person’s work.

Local communities must look to economic development that assures protection of the environment and workers’ rights; broad citizen participation in planning; and enhancement of our “quality of life.” We support independently owned and operated companies which are socially responsible, as well as co-operatives and public enterprises that distribute resources and control to more people through democratic participation.

We have inherited a social system based on male domination of politics and economics. We call for the replacement of the cultural ethics of domination and control with more cooperative ways of interacting that respect differences of opinion and gender. Human values such as equity between the sexes, interpersonal responsibility, and honesty must be developed with moral conscience. We should remember that the process that determines our decisions and actions is just as important as achieving the outcome we want.

We believe it is important to value cultural, ethnic, racial, sexual, religious and spiritual diversity, and to promote the development of respectful relationships across these lines.

We believe that the many diverse elements of society should be reflected in our organizations and decision-making bodies, and we support the leadership of people who have been traditionally closed out of leadership roles. We acknowledge and encourage respect for other life forms than our own and the preservation of biodiversity.

We encourage individuals to act to improve their personal well-being and, at the same time, to enhance ecological balance and social harmony. We seek to join with people and organizations around the world to foster peace, economic justice, and the health of the planet.

Our actions and policies should be motivated by long-term goals. We seek to protect valuable natural resources, safely disposing of or “unmaking” all waste we create, while developing a sustainable economics that does not depend on continual expansion for survival. We must counterbalance the drive for short-term profits by assuring that economic development, new technologies, and fiscal policies are responsible to future generations who will inherit the results of our actions.

13 December 2007

The Last Democratic Debate

Finally! The last debate of the year....may I have an amen! The last dem debate was a well done one with all candidates giving ample time and really nothing new. A few zingers, but most stayed on message. The only loser was Dennis Kucinich because he was not allowed to participate. That was the only low point, since the whack job Keyes was allowed to participate on the Repub side, but that is another story.....I am sure. Everyone was polite and civil, no attacks, direct attacks.

Okay, let us look at the candidates:

Clinton--not much new....she was on message....the only problem was she wants to reform NAFTA. She was cool and comfortable.

Obama--he also was on message.....he was also calm, confident and collected...but nothing new.

Edwards--still strong on people power...he was confident and clear.

Dodd--Look good and spoke with authority.

Biden--Definately calm, cool, and confident spoke with authority.

Richardson--He was adequate...spoke with confidence...only one to link Iraq with the economy...a positive point. Good on environmental responses.

No movement in the polls will be seen as a result of this debate...all candidates were on their message...no screw ups...all had excellent answers...No real winner and no real loser. Biden would get my vote for the way he handles the questions hurdled at him.

We, political geeks and addictions, can now sleep at night without worrying about another debate looming on the horizon.

May the force be with you!


12 December 2007

Last GOP Debate Of The Year

We at the Inkwell, have discussed the latest debate and these are our conclusions.

It is mid December and yet another debate, but the good news is this is the last GOP debate of the year and next the voters in Iowa will caucus shortly after the first of the New Year.

The ones who DID NOT win the debate were the people of Iowa. Why? Nothing new, nothing controversial, nobody's opinion will be changed by the debate. Candidates looked tired and unenthusiastic.

Mitt and Rudy--pandered and gave pat rehearshed answer to everything.

Huckabee was same jovial self, nothing new, with the exception that he tried to appear a bit sophisticated....did not work.

McCain gave clear concise answers.

Paul, IMO, was the winner, he was not cute, glib or anything beyond clear and concise with good positions.

Thompson appear calm and almost comatose.

Hunter and Tancredo---thinking....thinking....no one will care.

Keyes--who the f*ck is this yahoo?

Islamo-terrorists, global jihad, I slam extremism, all the fear stuff was at play, not as bad as some of the other debates but it was there. Oh yeah, Rudy mentioned 9/11--go figure!

You want to know who won? look at the polls....Huck leading...Mitt second and Rudy third. Why? Only because it was a snooze of a debate and the candidates will remain as they were before the debate. I personally think that Paul was by far the best debater on the stage.

May the force be with you!


11 December 2007

Pres Helps Struggling Home Owners

Well he, Bush,last week gave a plan to help the homeowners struggling with ARMs. OK is it help? NO f*cking way! It will be a short, very short term fix for the homeowners but it will be a major boom for the financial services that created this problem.

Sorry to say, there is no long term help in his plan. And only a small percentage of homeowners will see any, any assistance in this move.

You DO realize that foreclosures are up 94% over last year? Right? They are up 18% over last month. Anytime the government gets involved in saving a market, the notion of free markets goes down the toilet.

The saddest thing about this situation is that the financial institutions will come out of this pretty good. The borrowers will LOSE their homes. That is somehow okay as long as the financial sector does not suffer. Is this what you want from your government? If so, you are a sick f*cker!

08 December 2007

Is There Confidence?

Recently, we at the Inkwell 4 were asked to rate the confidence factor of some of the candidates. below is our analysis.


Clinton--Yes, but it is a frightening confidence.
Obama--No, has likability, but the confidence is not there.
Edwards--Yes, in a weird sort of way.
Kucinich--Yes, his stands are consistent and passionate.
Dodd--No, he looks like anice guy, but they finish last.
Richardson--No, not from lack of experience, but more message to the people.


Romney--No, he has too many different positions, they change on which election he is in.
Giuliani--Yes, not from issues or stands but because of 9/11
McCain--Yes, he has been a maverick for years, and the positions are still the same.
Huckabee--No, he will be a flash in the pan. Only with people that make religion the issue.
Paul--Yes, he is consistant on his stands and is a passionate orator.
Thompson--No, he appears to be lazy and disorganized.

These are just a few of the candidates and we at Inkwell spent a week talk and debatin the subject. These are just our takes on the confidence factor of the different candidates.

06 December 2007

What Will Congress Do?

With the new NIE, Iran gave up their search for Nuke weapons in 2003, that would be about the time we went into Iraq. Now if that is so, they saw what the US was capable of doing to any country and possibly decided to step back from the weapons program for now.

With that said, how long has the Admin known this? Who knew this? Why would they not keep the Pres from making an ass of himself over the WWIII comment?

It is time for Congress to act. An investigation is called for! And impeachment is more necessary now than ever. At least, start demanding resignations for misleading the country and Congress. It is WMD all over again. Lies! Lies! It is time to draw a line on this crap and jump on it vigorously.

I will be watching Congress and the candidates--I want to know how they will handle this revelation.

04 December 2007

Stem Cell Research

Much has been said one both sides of the issue about whether it is good or bad, or if it is legal or not, yada, yada.

We talked about this at this week's meeting of the Inkwell 4. And we have a few questions. Ok, let me see if I have this right. A fertilized embryo is considered a "person" whether in or out of the womb. And if a pregnant woman wants to have an abortion, the religious right says that is the murder of an unborn child. Right?

So, say my wife and I cannot conceive child and we go to a fertility clinic for help. They take my sperm and her eggs and fertilize them, then they implant the fertilzed eggs into my wife. Say 2 of the 10 fertilized eggs are implanted and the rest are then held to see if the implantation takes effect. Are you with me so far? Let say after a couple of weeks, the implant has taken. Now the unused fertilized eggs are then discarded.

But wait, is that not the killing of an unborn child? How can the destruction of the fertilized eggs be justified? The Religious Right needs to consider this when they start their coming protests on the use of stem cells for medical research.


01 December 2007

Professor's Congressional ScoreCard

This is a monthly feature of the Inkwell 4, we grade the month's congressional progress for the people. The scoring system is a step forward, backward or no step.

For the month of November. it was a short session with the holiday recess.

1--non-binding resolution for not supporting an attack on Iran--backward

2--farm bill--forward

3--house overrides pres. veto of water bill--forward

4--confirm Mukasey--backward

5--deadlock on war funding--backward

6--veto on domestic bill--backward

7--impeachment bill--forward

8--per forma session to prevent end run by pres.--forward

9--fuel standards for cars--no step--because they are giving companies 5 yrs or more to do so.

For the first time since we started rating these guys--there is no movement--the Congress basically stood still for the month. Unfortunately, the previous months were all backwards steps, so these asses accomplished nothing in November.


28 November 2007


For years, people have used terms like partisanship and bi-partisanship; it has been both good and bad. It has been blamed for grid lock in Congress and it has been heralded as the best thing for the country. But where did it begin?

The vile side of partisanship became popular with the Daisy ad that Johnson ran against Goldwater. But it became the gut wrenching crap we have today during the Reagan years. Where it was boiled down to "us against them". One side was always right and the other was always wrong. Before Reagan the two sides pretty much respected each other and each others ideas and issues. But with Reagan the people got involved and it has degraded into the crappy system we have now. The insults and the hatred for their opponents has grown.

Just look at the present, the debates are seldom about "real" issues and digress quickly into platitudes and insults. The people learn nothing from this, but it makes for excellent press. There is NO true leadership of the people, just elected handlers. People lose, politicians win and the song goes on.

26 November 2007

Participatroy Democracy


I. The ultimate cause of the present multidimensional crisis (political, economic, social, ecological, cultural) is the concentration of power in the hands of various elites, which is maintained and reproduced by the dynamics of the system of the market economy (in its present internationalised form) and its political complement, representative "democracy", i.e. the economic and political system that emerged in the West just two centuries ago.

II. Overcoming, therefore, the chronic crisis which started with the emergence of this system, and has worsened in the last few years with the internationalisation of the market economy, is not possible through the reforming of the system ? as is utopianly supported by civil societarians, Green parties and organisations, who in the final analysis function as its apologists. Overcoming the crisis is possible only through the creation of a new form of political, social and economic organisation which secures the equal distribution of power among citizens at all levels (political, economic, social, cultural). Inclusive Democracy, therefore, is not simply a new utopia, but a new form of social organisation which aims at securing the equal distribution of power at all levels and consequently the final overcoming of the present multidimensional crisis. The ultimate aim is the creation of a Democratic World Order based on confederations of Inclusive Democracies, which will replace the hierarchical world orders of the present and the past.

III. Inclusive Democracy constitutes the highest form of Democracy since it secures the institutional preconditions for political (or direct) democracy, economic democracy, democracy in the social realm and ecological democracy. At the subjective level, Inclusive Democracy is grounded on the conscious choice of citizens for autonomy, and not on dogmas, religions and irrational systems or closed theoretical systems, which rule out any questioning about the ultimate grounds of these beliefs ? the cornerstone of democracy.

IV. Political democracy involves the creation of institutions of direct democracy at the political level, so that all decisions are taken by the demotic assemblies (i.e. the local citizen assemblies at the level of the demos) which confederate at the regional, national, and ultimately continental and global levels and consist of delegates, who are subject to immediate recall by the demotic assemblies. The function of regional, national and confederal assemblies is only to implement and coordinate the policy decisions of the demotic assemblies. Political democracy secures, therefore, the re-integration of society with polity, and replaces the state as a separate authority over the citizens ? an arrangement which, essentially, has transformed citizens into subjects.

V. Economic democracy involves the creation of institutions of collective ownership of the productive resources (i.e. of the sources of social wealth) and collective control over them by the demotic assemblies. The market economy system, which has led to the present huge concentration of wealth at the hands of the few, as well as to unemployment, underemployment, insecurity, the degradation of social services and the ecological catastrophe, would be replaced by new institutions of democratic control of the means of production which aim at covering the basic needs of all citizens, as well as at securing the individual citizen?s freedom of choice with respect to the covering of his/her non basic needs, according to his/her choices for work/leisure. Economic democracy secures, therefore, the re-integration of society with economy, and replaces the money/market economy, which divides citizens into privileged ones, who more than cover every real or imaginary need they may have, and non-privileged ones, who are incapable of covering even their basic needs.

VI. Democracy in the social realm involves the creation of institutions of self-management in the factories, offices and generally the places of production, as well as in educational and cultural institutions (media, art etc.) The worker councils, the student councils, and so on, secure the self-management of the production places, the education places etc., guided by the general aims set by the demotic assemblies, as well as by the preferences of citizens as producers but also as consumers. A model describing how an economic democracy might function in general, and specifically how the decisions of citizens as members of the demotic assemblies might interrelate to the decisions of citizens as members of the self-managed institutions, is described in Vol. 3, No. 2 (1995) of the journal Democracy & Nature, and in more detail in the book Towards an Inclusive Democracy (Cassell/Continuum, 1997), ch.6.

VII. Ecological democracy involves the creation of institutions and a culture that secure the re-integration of society and nature. This means that the goal of economic activity is not the present eco-catastrophic "development" which is necessitated by competition and profit demands, but the covering of the needs of all citizens in a way that secures the true quality of life that only a harmonious relationship between society and nature can bring about. Ecological democracy, therefore, can be achieved neither within the present market economy system and the consequent ?growth economy?, nor within any system mainly aiming at growth, like the centralised system of ?actually existing socialism?.

VIII. Inclusive Democracy is neither the outcome of a dialectical unfolding in Nature or Society determined by some "laws/tendencies" of natural or social evolution, nor just another utopia like the ones that appear in the libertarian space. Inclusive Democracy, therefore, is incompatible with any closed theoretical system and of course with any religious (or not) irrationalism. The Inclusive Democracy project aims at building a massive movement that will be the synthesis as well as the transcendence of the social movements for socialism, democracy and autonomy, as well as of the new social movements for equality regardless of gender, race, ethnicity etc.

IX. The transition to Inclusive Democracy presupposes, therefore, the creation of a massive movement at the local, regional, national and ultimately continental and global levels aiming at replacing the system of the market economy and representative ?democracy? with institutions of direct, economic, ecological democracy, as well as democracy in the social realm. This movement intervenes at all levels (political, economic, social, ecological, cultural) with the aim of creating new institutions and culture. This intervention does not manifest itself only through the creation of alternative forms of individual or social life (?by example?), direct action, or participation in the local elections, but through the combination of these and similar other forms of action ? on the condition that all these activities will be an integral part of a comprehensive political programme of radical social change for an Inclusive Democracy. Participating in the local elections (the only elections compatible with the goal of Inclusive Democracy) aims only at the creation of ID-based institutions and culture at a significant social scale. The ultimate goal is the creation of a dual power in relation to the existing system, through the development of the massive consciousness brought about by the struggle against the existing institutions, as well as the struggle for the new institutions and the setting up of the new institutions themselves. When the majority of citizens has accepted the principles of democratic organisation and takes part in the new institutions en masse, then no power on Earth could stop the collapse of the old system of concentration of power at the hands of the few ? the cause of all troubles for the majority of the human race (the transition strategy towards an Inclusive Democracy is described in detail in Democracy & Nature, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2002).

X. The intermediate goal is the building of a Network of Citizens for Inclusive Democracy which will aim at the creation of an alternative democratic consciousness, through political intervention as well as cultural activities, with the final goal of contributing to the creation of a wider political movement for the transition to Inclusive Democracy. A first step in this direction might be the creation of study groups which provide the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of activists on the various aspects of the inclusive democracy project including the crucial issues of strategy and tactics.

24 November 2007

Liberal Vs Conservative

This is what we talked about at the meeting of the Inkwell 4 T/giving meeting. Thoughts?


Are a liberal or a conservative? How about Republican or Democrat? Does it matter? Actually, it does not! With the approaching primaries and then the election, I have been thinking about this very subject for awhile. There seems to be very little that separates the two parties, other than minor emotional bullsh*t.

Really? Why? Look at the candidates in the upcoming election. The major candidates are corporate liberals. Rudy or Hilary, not much difference between the two. One is "liberal" repub and the other is a "conservative" dem. Ask why corporate owned media is pushing Giuliani and Clinton. Why does the media want a cat fight between obama and Clinton?

Actually, the whole system is lead and controlled by corporate liberals. And they have been in control since 1933. Their control is extended by such organizations as the Council on Foreign Affairs.

Why do I say this? Well, they both approve of moderate trade unions, integration of minorities, moderate welfare, heavy involvement in the economy, foreign aid. Again there is minor differences on how they think these policies should be used.

Corporate liberals control both the Republican and Democratic parties. Only once did it deviate from this formula; that was in 1964 when the Repub nominee was Goldwater over the corportate choice of Rockefeller. And then they lost control of the dems in 1972 when McGovern was picked over Humphrey or Muskie.

The upper class right wing and the corporate liberals have basically the same direction for policy. The differences center on whose approach is best for the maximization of profits and necessary conditions for the continuation of the upper class rule.

Now there is the upper class left wing--they function as the innovators and the guardians of class rule. Their innovations are basically on how to stabilize capitalism and the define the acceptable limits of the left's boundary. They also spend a major amount of time and resources opposing any third party that would jeopardize the control of the corporate liberals. Especially any third party that will not defend a big business controlled foreign policy.

If there is any doubt about this, then I suggest looking at the candidates that are running now. Any of the major candidates have a platform that does not favor the upper class. Remember, I said major. That would be Clinton, Giuliani, Obama, McCain, Romney, Edwards can be eliminated somewhat, he is a bit of an anomely. There will be NO difference in whoever you elect, there will be only minor differences in their approach.

This whole two party thing is just f*cking silly! The whole partisan, us against them, thing is just as damn silly. No matter where you put you vote; you will be voting for the same people, the corporate liberals.

Put a little thought into your vote. Stop listening to the bovine fecal matter that impresses you. Learn where to put your vote, so that the American people, your children and grandchildren, will have a descent life. Stop worrying about who said or who did not. Stop worrying about your pathetic little life and show some concern for the country you pretend to love.

Yes, I said this and I mean every f*cking word of it!


22 Nov 07

21 November 2007

The Vanguard Party

What is a vanguard party?

A Party is an organisation aspiring to administer public political power on behalf of a social class (even though it may enjoy support in only a part of that class).

Any social formation, be it a pressure group, social movement, trade union, political party or whatever, in one way or another reflects the interests of specific social strata. However, political parties, bear a very specific relation to social classes because a political party is either the government party, or a “government-in-waiting”, and a government, by administering a state, either overtly defends the interest of the ruling social class (even if specifically defending interests of a sub-class), or seeks to replace it with that of another class. A party which does not aspire to administer public political power, is not really a party at all.

well the vanguard party concept was demonized during the USSR days. But look at the two that we have in the US. They are vanguard parties. They control everything, just like the old Communist party of the USSR. All issues are either Repub or Dem issues, never is it an issue of the people. They dictate to the voter what it is they will vote on. That is just as controlling as anything the Communist party of the USSR ever did.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

19 November 2007


There has been a bunch of crap written and said and thought about the torture technique of waterboarding. I have seen it defended on discussion forums and I have seen it condemned on some of the same forums. But what is waterboarding?

It was first used, as far as I can tell, during the Spanish Inquisition in the 1500's against Jews, Protestants and other heretics. The Nazis and the Japanese used it during WWII, the North Vietmese employed it and the Khmer rouge of Cambodia used it on difficult prisoners. And that brings us to today and the US use of it.

What is it? The prisoner is secured with head down and feet up, then water is trickled on to a cloth over his/her face. The water filling the nose and throat triggers a primal survival mechanism and the prisoner becomes desperate to escape. But they are secure and cannot move or hold their breath for very long. as they fight to escape the water overwhelms them and they feel that they are about to die. This is a short synopsis of the technique.

Now does it work? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. The prisoner could give outlandish answers to questions just to make the torture stop. I am sure that some credible intel is gained, but I am also as sure that most of it is NOT!

So is it torture? IMO, yes it is and it should be outlawed. I am not the sole answer to this and I am sure that many do not agree with me. But until they have been tortured, whether with waterboarding or other, their opinion does not matter. It is a crime to take away a person humanity.


18 November 2007

The Youth Vote

First of all, that is not happening. They will play the game in primaries and such, but will not show up for the general election. The youth have little to gain by participation. In the 70's they had a lot at stake; the draft and the war, but now what do they have? They are not concerned.

CNN did a story about the young and took a poll at NYU and 78% said they would give up their right to vote if their schooling was paid for in full. Now there is a group, a voting block that has its priorities in line. In the last election only 7% of the 18-25 actually voted. They have no reason to be concerned about the future; it is all about the now.

If we want to get these little shits to vote maybe we should use a Huey Long technique and use the slogan, "an X box in every house". This is a pathetic block of voters. But we made them the pathetic little shits they are. I hope we are happy, our future looks bleak.


16 November 2007

Another Democratic Debate

Last nite in the city of Lost Wages 7 dem candidates got together for yet another debate. I watched and was a bit surprised. The closer we get to the primaries the more they ratch up the politics of debate. This time there was good exchanges. The only problem I saw was that CNN seem to favor the frontrunners and did not give Biden and Kucinich as much front time as the others.

Here is how I saw the debate:

Clinton--she was on her game--no slips as before--well rehearsed.

Obama--He seem to wake up and do some minor attacks on policies of Clinton and the others. He was deliberate and well rehearsed. Took on Clinton and did fairly well.

Edwards--still the attack dog, especially Clinton and her policies--he is beginning to look desparate.

Biden--Confrontational, strong on foreign policy, especially Iran--made good points.

Richardson--was on his game well for this--strong on environment, foreign policy, vet position and on immigration.

Dodd--Good, articulate and inform, but still no fire.

Kucinich--almost totally ignored, when asked question--no hestitation, attack all other candidates policies and was confrontational when given the chance.

Now , who won the debate? remember this is my personal opinion and do not endorse anyone of them in this process. And the winner was---Richardson. He was straight forward had answer to all questions and even added the vets into the mix. Second was Biden--he punched holes in almost everyone's foreign policy position. Spoke with authority and a bit of passion. Tied for third is Obama/Clinton--they gave their canned responses to questions that needed more. And then the rest--Kucinich did not have a chance to shine, which he probably would have; Dodd is a great guy, but no fire; and Edwards, IMO, he just looks too damn desparate.

I know this will not jive with the media, but the media has already picked its favs; I on the other hand, go by what they say and how they say it.

I am CHUQ and I have approved this message and I guarantee that it is not terror related.

12 November 2007

New Problem For Iraq

At the weekend meeting of the Inkwell 4, we look at the situation with Turkey, Iraq and the US. We looked at the whole scope. The US is in a bad place damned if they do and damned if they do not. The PKK is a terrorist organization, as defined by the UN and other agencies. The US is either gonna fight terrorism, all terrorism or it is not. If it does not help Turkey, the US will be seen as a hypocrite. If they do nothing but talk and Turkey crosses the border in pursuit of the PKK, it could embolden Iran, who has probs with Kurds, also to invade from the East and they could use the pursuit of the PKK as a pretense for that invasion.

This is a situation that has far reaching consequences for Iraq, Iran, Turkey the US and possibly the entire Middle east. The US has to handle this very carefully and quickly or it will set a precedent that the US will have a helluva time extracting itself from.

Watch and wait--will stupidity and greed overshadow logic and commonsense?


10 November 2007


The Inkwell 3 will become the Inkwell 4. We are adding a new member who has proven herself to be a free thinker and very vocal. Her name is Aidan Francis Patterson--Welcome aboard!

We look forward to your input and discussions.

08 November 2007

The Music Of Protest

At the weekly meeting of the Inkwell 3, we discussed many things and many issues, but this one we felt needed to be covered. The new music of protest--hip-hop. I recall the music for change of the 60's and 70's, not hip-hop is becoming the new songs of protest.

It started off as the voice of the inner city and the problems that were lived by the singers. I recent years it has exploded on the world as the music of protest. From the reservations for Native Americans to the world of war, performers are voicing their opinions and feelings about the world and the world situation.

There are groups like Off The Rez, a NA rap group or groups in Senegal or South Korea or The Palestinians Territories, or those in the Southern part of Asia. The music style is growing and as it grows it is becoming the voice of political oppression, poverty, hunger and hopelessness.

I know that too many people see rap or hip-hop as a group of guys with lots of gold and barely clothed women, but it is evolving into so much more and it is becoming the music of protest and the music for change.


06 November 2007

Waiting For The World To Change

The song by John Maher is the perfect theme song for the American voter. They are waiting for the world to change, they do not want to be directly involved, but want someone else to do all the work. Laziness and stupidity rules the election decisions. The voter will allow the media and such to dictate the leaders of both parties.

Recently in an article by U of Penn professor, Adolph Reed, had some excellent insights. He said that the Dems were like a car that needs a wheel alignment; it is constantly pulling to the right. Basically, if you vote a Dem into office you will be getting hawk and a Repub in different costume.

The US truly gets the elected official it deserves. It deserve a bullsh*t president, because they will not take in upon themselves to find a good candidate. They are all waiting for the world to change. They will allow bullsh*t entertainers like O'Reilly or Stweart or Colbert to find their candidates for them. Thought is out! Complacency is the norm! Laziness the road to ruin!

I will e around to tell you, "I told you so"!


03 November 2007

Collectivism Or Individualism

I was on a discussion forum recently and one of the posters claimed that collectivism was a crime against humanity. Well, I just had to write a reply, but before I could finish it, the poster was outed as a racist, white supremist with the IQ of a rock. The thread degraded into talking about people who disagreed with them as having a small penis. I was so looking forward to having a rational exchange, but I was mistaken.

I decided not to waste my effort and I will post it here.


First of all, may I suggest to the Admin that this be moved to the Poli Sci section, I think it is more appropriate there.

Secondly, this could be a helluva thread and a purely theoretical discussion.

I have read the posts several times just to be sure that I understand where all are coming from, before I posted a reply. This here is my take on the whole thing and I hope it added something to the discussion.

So if people come together as a society, it is somehow a crime against humanity, is that about it?

First of all, democracy as mob rule. I cannot dispute that. I will add what Plato had to say about democracy, "democracy is by the stupid, who make unrealizable promises to the ignorant, and it almost always leads to disaster". For the most part, I tend to agree with Plato.

Now on to collectivism and it has a definition thusly, "relations between people based on the community of their vital interests and a corresponding social consciousness expressed in people's devotion to a common cause, in a lofty sense of responsibility before a collective."

But, the thing about individual rights, I can see where the point is going but then no one is an individual in a society. Yes, I know, but society is basically an agreement between people who give up certain rights to be guaranteed others. As a theory it is lofty, but as a reality I do not think it is all that. If individuals work at agreements with other individuals as a form of society, then I could foresee some form of collective egoism taking place. That is, they would have a tendency to view themselves as not different from other groups but somehow better. The problem is, IMO, the group would then identify itself with others included and against those that were excluded. With that would come the inevitability of social conflict. That would then bring us back to the pack mentality. Yes, I see the problems with collectivism, but I can also see why its necessary.

You are correct, IMO, that there is no justification for democracy, but humans are pack animals and as such have a need for a societal entity. Humans are inherently fearful, as such they will always seek the protection of a pack (society). Individualism is a perception not a reality. People like to think of themselves as individuals, but in reality they will always be part of a pack. Fear of the unknown prevents the individual from acting as a solitary being, the pack offers some security.

I guess I need to ask, what form of society would be out there without the collective? (gee this sounds like something the Borg would say) I can see chaos, not harmony. But I realize that few will concur with my assessment.


01 Nov 07

01 November 2007

Professor's Congressional Scorecard

It is the first of the month and the Inkwell 3 has met and put together its monthly scorecard for Congress. We started this in Aug and the Congress had taken one step backwards, then in Sept. it was another step backwards. So far the Congress is accomplishing nothing, but how will they fair in Oct?

The scoring system is a step forward for a good action, step backwards for a poor action and then there is the no step.

The month of Oct played out thusly:

1--New citizenship test--no step

2--Iranian revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization--backwards

3--Senate Oks war funds--backwards

4--War surtax proposal--forwards

5--Passes bill where pres must make regular reports to Congress on war--no step

6--Condemns Limbaugh for his remarks--backwards

7--Fingerprint mortgage brokers--forward

8--Bill to control private contractors--forwards

9--Propose bill on torture--backward

10-Armenian genocide--backward

11-More oversight on wiretaps--forward

12-Reporter protection--forward

13-Immunity for telecom companies that cooperate with surveillance--backward

14-Vet budget not passed--backward

15-No veto override of SCHIP--backward

16-Back down on genocide resolution--forward

17-Extension of internet tax ban--forward.

SCORE: 1 step backwards

That is the major legislation that I watched and use for comment. If you are counting then you will see that the Congress, yet again, has taken a step backwards. For the year, Congress is going in reverse. They were elected to accomplish something and so far that has been very little.

If I were a voter I would be concerned and be evaluating all candidates for the next election.

01 Nov 07

31 October 2007

Turkey--Between Iraq And A Hard Place

The US had a vote on a genocide resolution, Turkey amassed a huge force on the Iraqi border, PKK is defiant and Iraq warns of no cross border movement. The Us has been trying everything to prevent the Turks from acting.

Will The Turks cross the border? That my friends is the $64 question. Turkey is not ignorant! They know that the PKK will have the advantage because of the terrain. Turkey has the advantage in fire power, but it will be uselass if there is no one to use it on. Turkey is in a precarious position, if they cross the border going after the PKK and fail, they will empower the Islamists even more than now. If succeed they will set a precedent of the region and would go further into help destabilize an already unstabled area.

Either way the USA is in a lose-lose scenario. Iraq is in a lose-lose scenario. Then what is up with the war drums from Turkey? That is simple! The genocide thing is going away. Turkey is applying pressure on Iraq and the US to take action against the PKK. They will act if they have to, but would pretty much prefer the others to act and act in Turkey's favor.

Just some thoughts we had at this week's meeting of the Inkwell 3.


29 October 2007

A Serious Look At Iran

The Bush Boyz have ratcheted their rhetoric up a couple of notches, to the point that many think that some form of military action will soon follow.

Let us look at Iran. 2/3 of the population is around 30 years old. These Iranians are more moderate than the older ones. They appreciate the west and its liberties. Many of these are children that grew up in the years of war with Iraq. they recall the destruction and the death. They do not like the idea of war with the west.

The mullahs represent the past, a shining symbol for the elderly, that recall the oppression that they suffered at the hands of the Shah and of course, the Shah was very close with the US. Bush and his entourage with all their saber rattling is just empowering the mullahs more and more. This is the past for Iran.

The young are more moderate and appreciative of the West, they are the future and as such all should be done to help empower them. They could bring about a change in leadership.

All this is working under the assumption that the Bush Boyz truly desire a diplomatic solution to the situation. If it is just another of their lies, then the US has a long drawn out war in the Middle East that it cannot win. The cost in money is not important, but the cost in lives will be devastating. Someone has got to have a level head, it not there is no way to avoid war.


28 October 2007

New Sanctions For Iran

Bush and his Boyz have announced more sanctions against Iran, especially anyone dealing with the Revolutionary Guard. He talks tough! But the all his talk is putting the US on a military footing. It is a preparation of action and all his rhetoric and that of his subordinates are saber rattling.

This could very well backfire on the administration. Iran could harden even further its international stands and demands. Which in turn will harden the resolve of the US govt to prevent Iran from doing whatever is they are doing. The Bush stand is a unilateral motion. The UN failed on tougher sanctions against Iran, so the US will go it unilaterally. Is this good? If you are part of the military-industrial complex, you will be jerking off at the prospect of an armed conflict. For the rest of the country, it will be devastating.

All the rhetoric coming from the administration is pro-war, nothing they are saying sounds like they are even considering a diplomatic solution to the Iranian situation.

I suggest that you just take the time and put your head between you knees and.........you know the rest.

25 October 2007

Where Have All The Leaders Gone?

Leaders? What leaders? The US has not had a "real" leader in 50 years or possibly more. The are non-existent. What you have is a bunch of politicians that play games with people's lives. Not one is capable of leading, only to be a mouthpiece.

Americans are graping for a strong leader from within the "traditional" 2 party system. Sorry, guys, you are fartin' into the wind! Voters give this party or that the opportunity to be a leader and at every turn they are disappointed. Then with the next election, they give the other party and chance. Same outcome. And then they give.........the moronic cycle never ceases!

Now I ask, why keep the repeating nightmare alive? I cannot understand the embracing of a system that does nothing to better the lives of normal individuals. It is so frustrating to watch. Einstein said that insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. He nailed that one!

So why do the voter keep playing this dangerous game? It is bred into them, that the 2 party system is the only system. From middle school civics through high school they are indoctrinated into the beliefs they hold. History classes do not help! They teach the awful parts of other systems and leave out any positives.

It is up to people like myself, to point out the options and to hopefully, get the people thinking and acting in their best interests. A slow, frustrating process, but one that needs to be pursued.


23 October 2007

Bhutto Returns Home

We at the Inkwell have been watching the development of the political situation in Pakistan and the return of Benazir Bhutto. After much negotiating between her and the Musharaf people, she returned to her homeland. She said before the return that there were rumors that she was to be assassinated.

She returned. Her convey or parade, if you will came under attack from some suicide bombers and 120+ people were killed and many more injured. Amazing just as she had said would happen if she returned.

Before I go further, her administration was riddled full of corruption; her husband wrangled a 10% finders fee out of every investment in the country under her leadership.

With that said, let us look at the assassination attempt. It has been reported that she deviated from the planned route so that she could greet well wishers. And that she just happened to be on the phone to security when the attack occurred.

Now how did the attackers know she was gonna deviate? All this is a bit coincidental for my liking. As I have said many times in the past, I do not believe in coincidence in politics, everything happens for a reason. This assassination attempt is no exception to the rule. This sounds more like drumming up sympathy for Peoples Party. And of course, to help get US support it had to be al-Qaeda that carried out the attack. All this is just too pat for my liking.

There is more to this incident than is being reported. I suggest that everyone keep an eye on the political horizon in Pakistan. This will soon play out and the real reason for this attack will become known.


22 October 2007

Protest In Switzerland

Huh? Switzerland? Who could make of this stuff?

Recently at a get together of the ultra-Rightist part, Swiss People's Party, the party faithful were spreading there racist diatribes to the public. Racist? Yes, racist! Their most popular campaign protest is a flock of white sheep expelling a black sheep. Does that sound like a racist organization? You bet you ass!

Back to the meat of the post. During this campaign rally, it was reported, that masked leftist broke into the meeting and ripped down banners, posters, threw rocks and such. The biggest thing was that these "leftist" made victims out of the fascist. And that it would strengthens there position in the upcoming election.

Well as an update, apparently the attack gave them the sympathy they searched for and they were elected into the government.

I am one of those "leftist" and I say it was not the work of the Left, but rather an orchestrated attack done by the SPP, to gain an upper hand. Why do I say that? Well. it seems that no one stepped up to stop the rampage. Why? There were no physical attacks on the SPP. Why? The Left and the ultra-Right in Europe have had a long history of attack on each other and most of them ended with blood being spilt. Why not this time?

I recall another fascist that used a similar tactic in Germany and he did real well in the elections. As did the SPP. History does repeat itself! IMO, this was a planned "attack" by the SPP to gain the upper hand in the elections. BTW, it worked!


20 October 2007

An American Paradox

I do a lot of reading and research on political stuff. I spend too much time reading, writing and ranting, but I love my job. We at the Inkwell have been tracking the thoughts of the American people for a couple of months and we have found a paradox.

Huh? A paradox? Yeah, something contradictory or an enigma. I know there is a wealth of that type of stuff out there. But the one that impressed me and the others of the Inkwell 3 was in a political nature. I know, get to the point!

About 66% of the American people see the country sliding in the wrong direction. They have lost all confidence in their President and their Congress. Approval ratings are in the toilet; the Pres is at 24% approval and the Congress really sucks their approval rating is at 11%. The news that people see daily is crammed with stories of sexual depravity, war deaths, crime and bitter international conflicts.

But with all the bad news most people, 56%, say they are satisfied with their lives. This leads to the question, why? If they have no faith in the leaders, but they are happy with their lives, how does this come about? I think this can only be answered by the individual. There is no one size fits all type of answer. Some of it is probably that the economy seems to be performing good. On the other side of that consumer prices are up, gas is up and going higher, wages are stagnant, even with the new minimum wage law. So where is this paradox going?

I say it will go south. The next time all this is analyzed it may not be as cheerful as it was this month. It is a day to day thing for the people. There is no good explanation, that is why it is called a paradox or an enigma.

Only time will tell if this optimism will continue--fascinating stuff none the less.


18 October 2007

Is World War III Approaching?

Recently, the President said when talking at a news conference about Iran. “We got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel,” Mr. Bush said at a White House news conference, referring to a remark by the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that Israel “will disappear soon.” Mr. Bush said he had “told people that if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”

This was just at best one of his more stupid statements. He was once again using his old reliable tactic--the Fear Card. Unfortunately, it works. The American people are so afraid of the nuke thing that it is used to sell them on ALL military actions in the past couple of decades. It was used by George I as a way to sell the action of Desert Storm. It was used by George II as a pretense to go into Iraq, again. It is a very useful tool when selling the American people on military action. Americans will accept it without reservation.

A lot has been said about his statement, but the part that few speak of is the fact he said it while chuckling and smirking. What kind of megalomaniac talks about a possible WW III while laughing? Did it miss something? Is a possible world war a joking matter? Maybe to someone who would profit from the war, but not to "normal" Americans.

I just cannot understand how Americans can look at this clown and give him the power to control the world. It amazes me, the stupidity of the people.


17 October 2007


Genocide! Genocide! Where is the genocide?

The Senate has passed the Armenian genocide resolution, but it seems to be losing support in the House. The term genocide is a delicate one at best. Turks say it was not, Bush says it was not, Armenians say it was, but what would you expect them to say?

So, sports fans, who is right? Was it genocide? If you say yes, then is Darfur genocide? If you say yes, then what a bout Tibet? HUH, you may ask. In the 1950's China invaded a free country of Tibet and since then has set about killing people, destroying culture and remaking the country into a Chinese province. Is this genocide?

To the Tibetan people it is! But why has not the present and past Administrations not labeled it as so?

Ask yourself, who is the US largest trade partner? Thinking.....thinking.....CHINA? Nothing gets past you guys, does it? If you think that the US will jeopardize that partnership, you are being delusional.

Genocide is a horrible violation of human rights; no matter who does it. But to pick and choose who will be labeled a genocidal state is pathetic. As long as we are talking about it, what about Serbia and the Balkans, all those deaths, were they from a genocide?

My point is, pick a definition of genocide and stick with it, no matter who you offend--genocide is genocide--it should never be a political hot button for discussion--it should be condemned on all fronts.


15 October 2007

Airlines--A Service industry

The US airlines have been on the skids now for many years and there is no sign of them slowing down. It is sad when the Congress has to step in and pass a airlines passenger bill of rights. The industry should be policing itself, but it has not. Why? The three magic words--PROFIT! PROFIT! PROFIT!

As with many corporations and industries in the US, it is all about profitability, not customer satisfaction. The US has wonderful hotels, clubs, etc, but for some reason airlines suck! Why? It is all about the investors. If the climate for investment is good, then they will continue to receive financing in the form of investors gambling on the industry.

Americans are mobile and as such it makes the airlines a given and they can pretty much do what they want without any repercussions. The industry will not police itself and will do only what it must to stay ahead of the federal government. They do not care what the people have to say for they will continue to fly regardless of the treatment they get at the hands of the airlines. They will bitch and moan and come back next week for another shot in the ass.

Americans feel they have no choice but to accept the treatment and bitch about it later. eventually, someone will come along and set the industry on its ear and maybe then some changes that are beneficial to the customer will occur. I am not holding my breath; only hoping that someone will wake them up.


13 October 2007

An Environmental Prediction

At the October meeting of the Inkwell 3, we talked about many issues that will effect the American people. But the one we decided on for our monthly article is the environment.

Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize for his cause of bring truth to the world when talking about the environment. Congrats, Al!

An "Inconvenient Truth", an excellent title. The story of the environment is just that. Everyone talks a good game but NO ONE wants to act. There is more to it than just global warming. A recent report says that about 50% of liquid waste is going into the environment, to include sewage.

The big thing now is to control and lessen emission from cars by 2025. That gives plenty of time for adjustments to the program, extensions and such. Americans will spend $60,000 for a luxury SUV, but will not buy a $5 light bulb that reduces the amount of electricity that is used to light it. Americans are all for the saving of the environment as long as they do not have to sacrifice anything. This attitude, without a major adjustment, will help end this world.

Let us look at water. A drought in Georgia has a water source so low that without rain, parts of Atlanta will be out of water in 3 months. The Southwest USA is already out of water. Even a presidential candidate, Richardson, has proposed a national water policy. It is not real popular with states who have an abundant water supply, like Michigan. To add to this problem the water supply is becoming more and more polluted. Thanks in part to lax environmental laws that allow the polluters to take years upon years to do something to help control the pollution.

The climate is in control. An we as stewards of the environment had better wake up or suffer the consequences. In 50 years, without proper controls, the environment will degraded to the point that Americans will be fighting each other for water. I will long be dead, and would like to see the reaction of the silly group of people unknown as Americans and how they will cope with the lack of a natural resource.

The planet is dying! The one subject that no one wants to talk about will be the final chapter of this world. Overpopulation, something no one wants to face, will be the final chapter. Without limitations and at the rate it is growing the population will be factor that sends this worlds into the tail spin that cannot be stopped.

If the American people are going to be stupid, they have got to be tough. The egotistical, shallow and unmotivated attitudes of the people is the cause and the end. I suggest you put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye. Next time you are in the bathroom, take a look in the mirror--that is the face of a KILLER!

We have spoken!


12 October 2007

When Is It Genocide?

That is the question. Where does killing stop and genocide begin? Who defines what is genocide? The simple definition is, the systematic killing of a people. That is the simple one. But who decides when it is genocide or just killings?

Six million deaths of a people in WWII has been called genocide. What about the approximately 15 million Russian deaths? Was that a genocide? The 1.5 million deaths in Cambodia has been labeled a genocide. OK, how many deaths must there be for it to be labeled as a genocide? Darfur has been called a genocide by the US, but most other countries do not call it as such. So is it genocide?

I bring this up because of the recent vote in the Congress that has labeled the deaths of Armenians in 1915 as genocide. The country of Turkey has condemned the vote and now has warned of dire consequences if the vote was in favor of calling it a genocide. The vote has been taken and it is genocide in the eyes of the Congress. Now the consequences will be whatever happens.

The deaths of many people is not something that is a good thing, but to call something genocide should be a decision by the UN or a world body similar. I do not think that one country declaring it as a genocide is necessarily the final word. For most times these things are done as a special favor to a huge campaign contributor.

I am not saying that the deaths of the Armenian people was anything but a tragedy, but who is the US to declare it so over the rest of the world?

I ask again, when is it genocide? And who is the one to label it as such? When is it official? Does the deaths of American Natives count as genocide? Congressional person, Boehner, you gotta love a guy named Boner, you remember him he is the one that cries at the drop of a hat. Anyway, he has said that the vote was a waste of time and that the decision should be left to historians. Who is paying him?

This subject is something that we can debate until the cows come home and never find a spot where we can agree. Genocide is a horrible technique used on a people and it should be condemned and reported. The problem is there is NO good definition for the act. Until there is, any discussion is just purely an argument.

Enough said? you bet!


11 October 2007

Racism--Alive And Well

I would bet that you thought that racism was pretty on the wane. Damn! were you mistaken!

Last year a white school bus driver in Louisiana made Afro-American students sit in the back of the bus. Then it was Imus and his mouth. And then nooses show up in Jena. O'Reilly makes his lame ass comments, which by the way, none of the big mouth pieces of the Afro-American community has come out and condemned. On that I would like to know what is up. Why did O'Reilly get a free ride? And later nooses started showing up in North Carolina and now at Columbia University in NYC.

Think about it! this is just in the last 12 months or so. Do you still think racism is not a big deal. It is! If you do not see it you are either blind or part of problem!

Come on! look at the immigration thing; it is lead by fear. Fear that white people will become a minority in the entire country not just in certain parts. The opponents of the immigrants have sold the drain theory to a gullible public. You want more proof? Fine! Recently there was an operation in LA to round up Latin gang members to either deport or inter. It was heavily reported by all TV media. What about the say Russian gangs and thugs that operate in NYC and the Northeast? When was this a story? Could be they are white and blonde hair?

Stop! It is racism and no matter how you trey to paint it, it will still bleed through.


10 October 2007

Justification Of War With Iran


Recently the US administration has spent a bunch of time and effort to reassure the American people that there was no intention of going to war with Iran. Or at least, for the time being there is no desire to act. They, the Administration, say that all options are still on the table, that nothing is being discounted. But they reassure too much for my tastes.

Sens. Kyl and Lieberman have entered a measure into the Senate that would designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. They base this measure on reports from the recent past that the Guard is training and supplying the guerillas in Iraq. But I ask on what do they base this assumption? On the Intel that is given by the President and his entourage? Would that be the same people that gave them the Iraqi WMD information? Are they basing their accusations on the Intel of known and proven lairs? Yes, they are. But in their defense, I am not privy to all the Intel and I may be lacking a critical part of the puzzle, but from all the info I have at my disposal, this is a piece of bovine fecal matter.

Why, do I say that? Sens. Kyl and Lieberman are two of the biggest hawks in Congress and as such will rubber stamp anything Bush cares to talk about at anytime. These two will be used by the President to run the end around through Congress. These two are administration tools for their “cowboy” foreign policy.

Here is part of the wording of the proposal:

"Our military leaders, diplomats, and intelligence reports say that there is clear evidence Iran is exerting negative influence in Iraq," said Kyl. "I believe that the Senate's adoption of this measure sends a message to Iran that the U.S. will not tolerate any interference to progress in Iraq. It is now incumbent upon the State Department to add the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to the list of terrorist organizations."

The wording is very precise and to the point. It sounds innocent enough and if proven to be true, then any terrorist group should be added. But there is a hidden agenda in this measure. In my humble opinion, there is more to this than meets the media’s eye. I sat this because the media has focused on the above portion of the measure and has ignored another.

"It is vital to the national security interests of the United States that the Iranian government not be allowed to prevail in its proxy war against us in Iraq," said Lieberman. "This amendment makes it clear - both to our enemies and our friends - that the United States will not retreat in the face of Iranian terrorism."

The above is the key portion of the measure, in my opinion. Why? It leaves the door open for a future action against Iran. It could possibly be used to justify any and every action taken against the country of Iran.

How could this be done? Intel could be cooked to show that Iran was a threat to the world, which is being done as I speak. It is all about justification, not labeling.


09 October 2007

Protests In Iran

A news flash----100 Iranian students protest a speech given by Ahmadinejad at a Tehran University. At the meeting of the Inkwell 3, we talked this over and came to a conclusion that I will pass on here.

This was a small protest that was met with a like amount of pro-government protesters. It has been reported that the young are more fed up with the policies than their elders. This was taunted as a good thing on shows like Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on CNN. I am sure that it will be a major coup by the time it is reported by FOX. But we here are skeptics. One, this , if a true protest will lead to arrests, paper shut downs and like tactics. This story needs to be followed up on regularly to be sure it was a story. It could have been a government protest to show the world that Iran was not a totalitarian state, that they allow anti-government protests.

We here at Inkwell are leaning to the later. Why? Because of his visit to the US and being reaqd a riot act. The world was watching what was going on in Iran. This would help the government appear to be more tolerant than it has been painted. It is true that the young in Iran seem to be more pro-west than their elders, but that does not mean that they are capable of starting a "revolution".

In conclusion, we say that this needs to be watched. It is possible that it was not a major coup, but rather a PR ploy.

08 October 2007

Greenspan On The Economy

Since I am a dedicated news geek, I watched Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on Sunday, when he interviewed Alan Greenspan, former head of the Federal Reserve. He (Greenspan) covered many topics, oil in Iraq, the housing crunch, coming recession, etc. He said there was a better than 50/50 chance that there would be a recession. He also qualified his statement on the oil in Iraq. he said that it was because of the oil that Saddam became a problem. It gave money much money to use to further his agendas.

When asked about the economy in general he began by saying that it was a complex, self-adjusting environment. Once he said that I went numb. I could believe he said such a thing.

To begin with I do not agree that the economy is a self-adjusting environment. Now that that is out of the way. Why do I feel that way? That easy! If the markets were free to seek its own level then we would have had a recession already. The Fed in its attempt to help markets stabilize will cut rates. That is not a self-adjusting technique. Because of the interference in the markets, investors claim down and continue to throw money at the markets. What part of that was done without assistance?

you do not like then let us look at the government--they in essence will bailout the mortgage industry to prevent a collapse of the system. That also, is not self-adjusting. The fact that the mortgage industry was in sad shape was however part of that self-adjusting environment.

Sorry people, but all that is part of an economic system know as "state capitalism". Simply put, it is the involvement of the state in the functioning of the economy. All the incidents described above are examples of state capitalism.

It could also be seen as "State-Monopoly Capitalism". It is where state and capitalist join forces so as to preserve and strengthen the system. It enriches, strengthens , protects and is dominated by capital. This is regulated by state bodies which is used to benefit large corporations by implementing short term fixes and long term programs. Does any of that sound at least somewhat familiar?

Since I am not one of capitalism's best friends, I see that the free market system that all Americans are so damn proud of as, not free in the least. For if it were free their would be no need for the government to intervene to save one industry or another.

08 Oct 07

07 October 2007

Burma Shame


Myan……Myna…..May…M…Ma—Damn! Burma!

The media has labeled the situation in Myanmar as the Saffron Revolution, because of the color of the robes that the monks wear, since they are the leading force of the protests. Saffron revolution? Why do the media have to tart up everything? Like The environmental revolution, the Green Revolution or the democratic process in the Ukraine as the Orange Revolution? It is like changing a Jungle to a Rain Forest, it is more serene sounding and people will save a rain forest, but not so much a jungle.

Sorry, I digress. Myanmar, then Burma flirted with democracy in 1990, when a democratic election swept into prominence a bunch of elected “democrats”, but as quickly as they were elected the military junta annulled the election to keep power. Since those days Burma has slipped into the darkness of poverty; it is one of the poorest, if not the poorest countries in the world. The country’s major source of income is natural gas and gemstones. About 90% of the world’s rubies come from Burma.

The Myanmar military junta lives in relative luxury compared to their beleaguered people. Price increases have led to the situation now in Burma. Monks began quietly protesting the government’s move and were joined by thousands of Burmese. The government could not tolerate this affront to their authority and sent out security forces to quell the protests. Hundreds of monks and civilians have been detained or just up and disappeared. People beat in the streets, but not as many were killed as there were in 1988, which led to the success of the democracy movement of 1990.

The UN has enacted sanctions against the Burmese government, but what will that mean? Not much! A French company is still using Burmese gas and oil, “blood” rubies will still be bought at Macy’s.

These sanctions are just a way for the world to appear to care what happens to the people of Burma. In reality, they care not. The loophole of the sanctions on rubies is huge. For the US they cannot buy Burmese rubies from Burma, but as long as the stones are cut and polished in another country, it will be legal. The people will continue to suffer and the junta will continue to oppress.

Burma is a good example of why I personally do not like the theory of non-violent action. The people protest peacefully and with conviction and the response will be violence and conviction. Sorry to say, but the violence will triumph every time.

Since the fateful day, much has been said and even street demonstrations throughout the world. People are marching and carrying signs in cities like London, Bangkok and other cities. Everyone is trying to do their part to bring about more democracy for Burma. I would like to point out that a hundred people have died in Burma. But what of Darfur? Thousands have died, millions displaced and yet the world is not up in arms about that, why? A hundred deaths, the people of Darfur would consider themselves lucky if that was the total deaths from the situation with Sudan. Why no more outrage than a whisper for Darfur? Is it because they are black? Are black Africans somehow less important than Asians?

I bring up Darfur, not to lessen the situation in Burma but to bring attention to the fact that there are people all over this world fighting for democracy. No matter where it is, one situation is no more important than another. We stand for democracy for ALL people, no matter where the live, what they believe or who will lead them. If the people do not participate in the country’s government, then it is not a democracy, no matter how hard it is sold. May I suggest that if a person does not embrace “real” democracy then please shut the hell up! If you want to demonstrate for democracy, then do so for ALL oppressed people, or stay home and play HALO 3. Stay out of the way of us who are fighting for ALL humanity, not just the situation du jour.

It was amazing to see the amount of conviction of the Burmese people to demonstrate peacefully, but all they accomplished was a momentary footnote in recent history. Their struggle will soon be forgotten when the story slides from the headlines. I am sorry to suck the life out of the moment, but face reality—POLITICAL POWER GROWS FROM THE BARREL OF A GUN!

You may not like Mao, but he was correct in this assumption. The only way the Burmese will rid themselves of the parasitic junta is through an armed struggle. If they wait for the world to come to their rescue, then they need to see the progress that it has made in Darfur. That is what they will have to look forward to in the future.

We Communists condemn the actions of the junta in dealing with the Burmese people. We stand together with our comrades and demand human rights for all people. We will work with our comrades to bring an end to the suffering of the Burmese people and a return to “real” democracy for all.


Professor CHUQ

06 Oct 07

05 October 2007

The Impeachment Of Bush

Many people are calling for this and that of Cheney. But will it ever happen? Probably not! It is an emotional thing that is being used for political attention.

Impeachment will be a long drawn out affair. It will be all consuming affair. The Congress will come to a stand still, something the Repubs might want, it would give them a little breathing space. After all the President is not up for re-election and will be gone from office before anything substantial can be done.

Dems need to think hard before travelling this road. Look at the polls! Congress approval rating is at 11%, the impeachment process could hurt them even more to the point that they could conceivably be in the minus category. They could already be in trouble in the next election. Do they really want to chance the voter taking back the mandate that they gave last November?

I just do not see the Dems making this call. They are trying desperately trying to expand their influence in Congress and I do not see that happening if they chase an impeachment. They already appear to be doing nothing, why would they want to enforce that belief?

I have been wrong before and could well be this time, but I believe that the Dems are more concerned with elections than with the impeachment of the President.


04 October 2007

Is Inflation Approaching?

Good question and deserves a good answer. back in the day, when I was in college taking that econ 101, the bane of most average human being, I was amazed at how the "experts" could read a coming disaster.

Alright, let us begin. Gold prices are up, oil futures are up, housing is collapsing faster than a bridge in Minneapolis, food prices up, consumer spending stagnant, income stagnant, so why no recession? all these indicators are poor, at best, but yet the economy is strong. Why?

All economic indicators are used to fuel investments. Investors are optimistic at this time, they are gambling that say 12 months from now all will be good. The government does it's part to stabilize the economy by cutting prime rates and bailing out disintegrating sectors. This is what the investors need to keep pumping money into the system and as long as they do that this economy will appear to be strong and stable.

But on the down side, NO ONE has asked John P. Public what condition the economy is in. There is the true test of how healthy the economy is; if John cannot buy enough food for his family, then this "free market" system is not working.

Nothing I see that pertains to the average Joe tells me this is a healthy environment. The economy is failing, but as long as the wealthy gamble on the lives of normal Americans, there will be no change. Sad that the worker and his family must pay a terrible price for the accumulation of wealth by a few.

04 Oct 07

01 October 2007

Professor's monthly Congressional Scorecard

This is the scorecard for September 2007.

Professor's monthly Congressional Scorecard

I started this last month as to inform my readers of the actions within the Congress. My scoring is by steps, forward, backward and no step. Last month, August, the Congress with all its stuff had taken a step backwards since coming to power in January.

This is the scorecard for September.

Pandering to Patraeus--backwards

Failure of the funds measure--backwards

Condemnation of MoveOn.org--backwards

Failure of the representation of DC--backwards

Airline Passengers bill--forward

Feingold's set date for withdrawal measure--forward

SCHIP legislation--forward

Partitioning of Iraq--forward (but I am being polite. I do not see this as a good measure, but at least they are trying.)

Vote on tightening sanctions on Iran--forward

House withdrawal plan that does not require a withdrawal--backwards

Failure of measure to require more time at home for troops--backwards

And the score is! 6 steps backwards, 5 forward.

The Congress has taken yet another step backwards. this is not what they were elected to do

REMINDER: This will be a monthly feature, so watch for it and see just how your Congress is doing. So far, in the two months of analysis the Congress has taken 2 steps backwards! Not what they were mandated to do, right?


01 Sept 07

Professor's Monthly Congressional Scorecard

I am starting a new feature where I score the Congress on a monthly basis. My first one was in August and it was posted on my other blog, Studies and Observations, I will re-post my August scorecard.

Democrats--A Perspective

Last year in November all was well with life, mthe Dems had just got a majority in both Houses and the world would change. A happy time with lots of celebration. How nice. I would like to point out at this time, that I predicted the bullsh*t would go nowhere, right here in my blog. Sorry, just wanted to take this opportunity to TELL YOU SO!

The Dems past a minimum wage, but it was not enough to pull millions out of poverty, but it was a step forward, a small step. Then they passed a farm bill; paying dead guys, that was a step backwards, then they past an ethics reform, some good but not enough, I will give them a small step forward, very small. They were elected to end the war, and all they did was waste time and money and funded the war anyway, a huge step backwards and now I come to the bigeest piece of crap any rep has every pulledon the American people. I am speaking on the warrantless wiretaps. OMG! What happened to protecting the people from their govt? This is another huge step backwards.

Now with these bills in place, has the US moved forward to that new day? If yoiu count the steps we are going in the wrong direction; WE ARE GOING BACKWARDS, NOT FORWARD!

So what now Batman? Grin people you will never get a change as long as you put your trust in these parasites you call representatives. Sorry, to be so blunt, but it is time to flush the toilet known as Congress and start making a new pile of sh*t!

Pull your head out of your ass and do the right thing of ALL Americans not just your little corner of the political process.

I am CHUQ and I damn sure approved every f*cking word of this message. Peace!


30 September 2007

Is The Iraq Debate Dead?

That is an excellent question? It would appear that the Congress is impotent against Bush and his band of .........can not find a good word to describe his supporters. Everything that the Dems have thrown at the Prez on Iraq has not bloomed into some action to end the war. I will give them their props, they tried, but they couldn't do it.

But what now? If I had to guess it would be to move on to Iran. I mean the entire country sees Iran as a threat. BTW, a helluva sell job on that topic! Congress will enact some legislation that involves sanctions and such, but the wording needs to be followed closely. A similar sanctions thing was past back in 1998 concerning Iraq and it has been one of the cornerstones used to justify the invasion of Iraq. I foresee the same thing being put into any sanctions bills. The wording could be used as a precursor for invasion or an attack or whatever military bullsh*t they come up with in the future.

As far as Iraq goes, the Congress will still offer bills and such as a way to give the impression that at least they are trying, but the Prez is just too strong of an opposition in the Congress. IMO, the focus will shift to Iran, maybe quietly, but it will shift nonetheless.

Just for the info check out H.R. 2880, it says:

To amend the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 to enhance United States diplomatic efforts with respect to Iran by expanding economic sanctions against Iran to include the importation of refined petroleum.

Read it closely, it is worded so that there are a lot of options that could be pursued according to this legislation. Just a thought!

There is also the Lieberman/Kyl resolution that labels the Islamic Revolutionary Guard of Iran as a terrorist organization. These two senators are the biggest pro-war senators in the Senate and this resolution will be yet another nail in the coffin for war.

This is from a meeting of the Inkwell 3 and their discussion on the Iran/Iraq situation.


28 September 2007

Professor's Perspective


Hopefully the world now knows what is going on in Myanmar. You know the country that is having the domestic protest problem?

Myanmar was renamed from Burma about 19 yrs ago when the present military junta took control. And from that point all democratic institutions have been oppressed. The country has been under military control for about 40 yrs and the present one has been the most oppressive.

Bush made several comments about the country to include stiffer sanctions on the country. Good idea. But why now? This has been going on for decades and no one really gave a screaming crap. Why now?

The answer is easy--it is the 800 pound gorilla in the room. It is in the news. The media is covering this daily and often. Bush had to appear to be sensitive to the plight of the Burmese people because of his admin's total lack of concern for the people of Darfur. The Bush Boyz have taken lots of grief over the Darfur thing and they wanted to avoid any such thing again.

When the news ceases so will the Bush concern with the country.


27 September 2007

Political Dynasties

I remember back in the day when there was news of the USSR Politburo elections and there was a 7 or 8% turn over, the media would say how predictable and how fixed the elections were. Then I remember also when like Pakistan and India when daughters or spouses of countries leaders were "elected" it was somehow fixed.

But think about it! If Clinton wins the election we will have at least 25 years of Clinton and Bush. Would that fall into the category of a political dynasty? By most definitions, it would be a political dynasty, but for some reason it will be the desire of the people for this to occur. Does that then, mean that the ones labelled in the past we also as legitimate?

Now let us look at the Congress where about 95% were re-elected to serve, but yet in the USSR it was a fixed election when 93% were re-elected. Which is it?

All I am saying is that the American people are allowing these political dynasties to exist. Is it laziness? Or possibly stupidity? Just what is it that makes the continuation of these families to rule the country so appealing? When will the people realize this is not really in their best interests?

That is a lame question! The answer is NEVER!


26 September 2007

Syria Did It!

That is the answer that seems to be given by the Bush admin on a regular basis, or either Iran did it. I will stick with Syria, for now.

they have been accused...........you get the idea. Syria has been labelled by Bush as part of the Axis of Evil, so with that sold to the American people, anything they are accused of Syria has been blamed for numerous assassinations of anti-Syrian politicians in Lebanon, they have been accused of support Al-Qaeda, they have been accused of being in league with Iran, and will be seen as gospel.

There is NO proof that Syria has ordered or contributed to any assassinations, but if asked the average person would say they are guilty of it. a helluva sell job! As a matter of fact NO proof has ever been offered to substantiate the claims of their links to terrorism, just the word of a Prez who is known to be a lair.

Recently Israel attacked a Syrian location with an air strike. First it was they dropped fuel tanks, then ordinance, then, it was a nuke site. Israel says they had intel that North Korean nuke material was stored at the site. As of today, a report from US intel sources say there was NO nuke material at the site.

A provocation was the only reason for the strike, with the hope that it would have an overreacted response from Syria, that would then confirm that they were a sponsor of terror and an aggressor.

OOPS! Syria has taken the high ground and filed formal protest in the proper international arenas. Now another strategy will have to be formulated to entice Syria into a bad call and thus give the opposition a reason to continue the hostilities against Syria.

I would say that Syria is acting as a responsible international resident, even if their neighbors are not.

26 Sept 2007